Broadcast cover crop seeds often don't have good seed-to-soil contact, and stand counts of broadcast cover crops are often lower than those of drilled cover crops, says the University of Nebraska. A recent study shows that increasing the seeding rate can improve cover crop productivity, but only in some cases.
No-tillers can reduce the cost of their cover-crop program and still keep most of the benefits by closely examining their seeding rates and methods and potentially trimming back mixes.
With corn prices looking a little more bear than bull these days, many no-tillers may be looking for places to trim their input costs. Fair or unfair, the newest management darling of no-tillers — cover crops — may find themselves in the crosshairs.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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