Items Tagged with 'food security'


Uganda degraded fields
No-Till Passport Series

‘Going Nuclear’ on Soil Erosion Losses in Uganda

The livelihoods of millions of Uganda citizens is rooted in the highlands — the mountainous or elevated regions of the East African country. These regions play a significant role in agriculture, which is the main source of income for many Ugandans, including for 70% of working women. These regions are also recognized as one of the key hotspots where land degradation, due to soil erosion, is rampant. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
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Filling the Intercropping Info Gap

Intercropping formula promises food security in Sahel Africa
Sometimes, growing two crops simultaneously on the same piece of land — called intercropping — can benefit farmers. But it needs careful planning and resource management.
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All Farmers Boost Global Food Security

African farmers and American producers have different motivations and face unique challenges, but they are crucial to global food security and negatively affected by misinformation and innuendo that shape the current debates on how to feed the future.
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Cover Crops Could Replace Applied Nitrogen

Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension research.
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Howard Buffet farming South Africa

Howard G. Buffett, No-Tiller & Philanthropist, Shares ‘Role of No-Till in Feeding the World’ at 2010 National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines

No-Till Conference History Made in 2010 with Unforgettable Banquet Speech
At the time of his presentation to the 2010 National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, Howard G. Buffett (son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett) had been no-tilling since 1992 on 16,000 acres in Illinois and Nebraska as well as another 6,000-plus acres in South Africa.
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