Items Tagged with 'Ergot'



Should You Rotate Your Cover Crops? 4 Issues to Consider

Some covers planted back to back, year after year, can cause problems for no-tillers with root and soil diseases if selection and timing isn’t carefully managed, says Dave Robison.
Growers probably know crop rotation is a good thing as it helps prevent pests and disease, improves soil health and reduces fertilizer inputs — all of which can boost crop yields and the bottom line.
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Ergot in Small Grains and Grasses: 6 Considerations

One plant disease to keep a lookout for when harvesting grains and grasses for animal and human consumption is ergot, which generates toxic alkaloids that could potentially create problems with livestock feeding and when trying to market a small grain crop. The Crop Protection Network shares some of the commonly asked questions pertaining to ergot.
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Will Ergot Be A Problem In Wheat Next Year?

The majority of the 2014 wheat crop was very good, but ergot was a widespread problem. Many of the ergot-infested fields seemed to be those that matured later than most, such as some of the spring wheat, later-planted and later-maturing winter wheat varieties, and fields with thin stands. In at least one field of winter wheat, many of the heads containing ergot bodies were late tillers.
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