Items Tagged with 'Frank gibbs'



Crop Diversity, Precision Technology Push No-Till Further

Seeing the potential for more than just erosion control, Ohio growers Bret and Gene Margraf overhauled their no-till system by adding wheat and cover crops, variable-rate seeding and fertility and split-nitrogen applications.
Thirteen thousand pounds of residue sounds like a lot to manage, but on Bret Margraf's farm it's not something to worry about.
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An 'Honest No-Till Education' Yields Serious No-Till Learning

Weed biology, cloud data systems, nutrient cycling, biological pest control and much more were discussed at the 22nd annual National No-Tillage Conference in Springfield, Ill.
For the second year in a row, more than 1,000 attendees took in valuable tips and information about improving their no-tillage systems during the National No-Tillage Conference held in January at Springfield, Ill.
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