The latest high-clearance cover-crop seeder debuting at VanTilburg Farms holds 3,000 pounds of product and can apply cover crops, wheat or urea into standing crops.
When you have a spring season like 2008, you can understand why some growers make an effort to apply at least some of their nitrogen in the fall. But just because you get your nitrogen applied before winter flies, that doesn’t mean it will all be there next spring and summer when your corn needs it.
In the 17 years that Terry Schneider, of Shirley, Ill., has been no-tilling, he’s tried as many planter systems as there are. Even today, with the latest technology, Schneider says he’s come full circle.
Questions often arise among no-tillers concerning the best height at which to leave small grain stubble. At the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, researchers set out to find answers by no-tilling four spring crops into three residue combinations.
Gregg Orr was skeptical the first time he heard about using an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) for spraying. But after a friend brought an ATV to Orr's 1,200-acre farm for a demonstration, Orr has been sold on ATVs and their multiple uses for his operation.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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