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Forage Management Day (Feldun Purdue Farm)


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8/9/18 9:00 am to 4:30 pm EST


Location: Feldun Purdue Farm
1117 IN-458
Bedford, IN 47421
United States
Contact: Lexie Hayenga

Event Description

Forage Management Day at Feldun Purdue Farm
Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018 from 8 am to 3:30 pm

The Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center is known across the Midwest for its unique hands-on approach for teaching the art and science of accurately diagnosing agricultural crop problems. The Center is designed to provide informative topics in a real world environment, where agriculturalists can sharpen their crop problem trouble-shooting skills and evaluate new and alternative management strategies.

Training workshops are valuable for individuals identifying insect, nematode, herbicide, soil fertility and disease problems in corn, soybean, forages and small grains. These workshops also provide pertinent information on interacting factors (nutrient, pest and environmental stresses) that impact crop growth and development.

The long term goal of the Center is to provide quality, state-of-the-art training in all aspects of crop production and management. 

Purdue Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) located near West Lafayette, Indiana. West Lafayette is 65 miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana and 120 miles southeast of Chicago, Illinois. The ACRE is located approximately five miles west of West Lafayette, Indiana on U.S. 52 (Signage is posted)

Limited Enrollment:
Due to the hands-on nature of these workshops, enrollment is limited to 60 individuals per day (unless otherwise noted). Most often, concurrent sessions of 20-30 registrants will limit class size and provide a better learning atmosphere. To ensure your enrollment, enclose registration fees with the attached form to Purdue University. In the event of over-enrollment, priority will be given to paid registrants

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