With the New Year having just rolled in, we're rolling in a new look with our No-Till Farmer E-Tip e-newsletter.

Starting with today's edition, we're moving to a format that resembles a magazine. It's the same model that we've used with Strip-Till Strategies, our other electronic newsletter.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the features in this format:

  • Once you've clicked on a story in the index at left and entered the e-magazine, flip pages by clicking on the arrows to the left or right of the page.
  • You'll see three icons on the upper left of the magazine. Click on "full" to view the newsletter on your entire screen. I recommend reading the issue in the full-screen mode for best viewing.
  • To view the contents of the issue, click on the "Table of Contents" icon in the lower left of the screen.

In addition, there's a place at the end of every article where you can leave comments — a good way to ask a question or provide some insights into how you might handle issues on your farm that are related to the story.

Finally, our company sponsors in this issue are able to utilize a full-page ad with the ability to embed videos, photos and multiple links to items of interest on their website to no-tillers.

We hope you enjoy the first issue of No-Till Farmer E-Tip for 2012 and the new format.