Let’s be honest, farming creates a risk that fertilizers and manures applied won’t always stay there. And when that happens we’re put in the spotlight, as you’ve seen with recent news reports about algal blooms contaminating popular waterways.
Is it time to begin to ‘rethink how we think’ about soil calcium, or do we just continue on with our old, conventional thinking that the soil has enough?
On our farm in northeast Nebraska, both corn and soybeans were planted in a timely manner — by May 10 — after a cold, dry and open winter and then a dry and cold spring.
ON OUR FARM in northeast Nebraska, both corn and soybeans were planted in a timely manner — by May 10 — after a cold, dry and open winter and then a dry and cold spring.
No-tillers who are truly curious about soil health should use all the tools available today to measure the biological, chemical and physical nature of their fields.
Soil health seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. We read stories about it, agencies are funding research and education about the topic, experts are giving presentations, scientists are conducting experiments and agronomists and farmers are being trained on it.
No-tillers who find Bt stalks are hanging around a little too often should take a hard look at the ‘soil animals’ in their fields — they’re in the driver’s seat.
Crop rotation, seed selection and scouting are among the steps you can take to keep residue-laden no-till fields from harboring soilborne diseases that curtail yields.
Since no-till was first pioneered several decades ago, changes in equipment and practices have helped farmers get more consistent results from the practice.
Gypsum, cover crops, manure and even vertical tillage can be part of a multifaceted no-till system that improves soil health and brings in higher yields.
There's no doubt most no-tillers are good stewards of the land and want to conserve it for themselves and future generations. To most farmers, that means conserving their soil base — and to others it means improving it.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, planter expert Clay Scott gives no-tillers 5 action items to tackle before taking the field this spring. The Precision Planting field support specialist also explains why he tells farmers to plant no more than 10 acres on the first day of planting season.
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