Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.


Frank Comments

Vision Goes A Long Way

More than 100 years ago, long before all the Y2K hype, talk of the millennium and the existence of no-till, Charles Down’s great grandfather bought a farm. He tilled the soil, used draft horses and walked every step of the 240 acres behind his plow. The farm prospered and was systematically inherited by the next generation.
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Avoid Costly Nitrogen Losses

Protecting nitrogen is even more critical for farmers cropping land a long distance from home.
As urban areas stretch further into the countryside, adding more acres often requires no-tillers to buy or rent land located miles from their center of operation.
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Frank Comments

New Rotations Are Needed

When you see the number of no-till acres growing significantly in areas outside the Corn Belt, one of the interesting things is the complexity of many rotations. No-tillers in other areas of the country are getting more crops into their rotations and are making them work.
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Harvesting Begins With No-Till Planting

This no-till veteran maintains today’s planting equipment may be costing you plenty of yield.
As a veteran no-tiller, Paul Schaffert has worked with no-till seeding equipment for more than 20 years. And he’s always advocated that harvest actually begins when you no-till your crops in the spring.
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Frank Comments

Researching Your Soil Needs

A few weeks ago, I spent several days in Denver, Colo., sharing ideas with agricultural leaders about the importance of agricultural research. This was at a meeting where attendees advised the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) on assessing soil resource research programs and planning future research needs.
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Frank Comments

Who Will Be Your Partners?

During the recent U.S. Grains Council annual meeting in Orlando, Fla., veteran no-tiller Jim Andrew asked an intriguing question of three chemical company presidents composing a panel discussing the impact of biotechnology on agriculture.
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Frank Comments

Intercropping Can Work

At last months seventh National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis, there was considerable interest in the soybean intercropping program used by no-tillers Keith and Doug Thompson of Osage City, Kan. With this unique doublecropping program they intercrop soybeans into standing wheat in early April.
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