As a scientist, I read scientific literature and books about ecology, agriculture and dynamic systems, and at this point, I am compelled to say that the collapse of civilizations is, at least, possible.
Using uncertainty as an excuse to wait and see when it comes to the ecological and climate crisis is bad for business, bad for farming and bad for health.
It is becoming increasingly evident that we endanger our capacity to feed the world by over-assigning feed crops to prime farmland. The priority for this heritage is to grow crops for human edible food, while maintaining or improving soil health and overall ecological integrity.
With a strategy of stabilizing yields under the increasing probability of wonky weather, it makes sense to have some crop fields with shorter season genotypes that do not depend on an ideal season of optimum moisture and temperatures at expected times.
Recent Fertilizer Canada lobbying has morphed the fourth principle from Right rates to holding the line at rates without “a mandatory reduction in the use of fertilizers.” These are 3R and STIR (same to increased rates) principles. Is this right?
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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