
“High-Tech Toys” Boost No-Till Profits

These technologies aren’t science fiction. In fact, they’re reality for no-tilling today.
While most people associate computers and advanced technologies with e-mail and gory CD-ROM video games, Marion Calmer thinks about higher profits and labor-saving practices on his 1,300-acre farm. Then again, Marion Calmer is far from being like most people.
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Nitrogen’s Dirty Little Secret

As some farmers switch back to other tillage systems, the truth is that patience and persistence would have paid off with soil nitrogen in a big way with the continued use of no-till.
There's no doubt about it. When you look at the numbers, some farmers, it seems, are parking their no-till equipment and once again emerging from the sheds with the very discs and plows they’d sworn off only a couple of years ago.
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No-Till On The Rocks

When challenges come knocking, this no-tiller uses his keen sense and strategies to make sure they’re only temporary.
“There's nobody else that can do our job as no-tillers,” says Dick Lloyd. “We have to come up with our own solutions.”
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No-Till’s Still Number One!

Even though farmers have been no-tilling for 30 years, scientists are finding new reasons why no-till is the best way to boost your yields, improve the environment and protect precious soils.
Even though we’ve been hearing sporadic reports that a few farmers are parking their no-till equipment and going back to the disc, chisel plow and field cultivator, rest assured that you’re making the right decision.
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Add More No-TIll Value!

Adding specialty crops to your no-till operation can definitely increase your profits. Here's how to do it right, from a veteran no-tiller who's definitely making it work.
“We're all looking for more profit per acre,” says Kent Krukewitt, “and that’s my incentive for growing value-added crops.”
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Take A Closer Look At Ammonium Sulfate!

While little attention has been paid to this nitrogen source, there are many benefits to using it with a no-till program.
Like it or not, succeeding in the new millennium is going to require you to make some changes in your no-till program, both in your thought process and in your crop management system.
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Harvest Higher No-TIll Yields

Last Spring, you did all you could to grow the highest possible no-till yields. Now it's time to bring it home.
Some farming innovators maintain harvest is the key to making any no-till program work. You’ve got to spread straw, chaff and stalks evenly across your fields if you want the best no-tilling conditions at seeding time.
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Spring Strip-Tilling Works!

Tackling the challenges and sticking to the basics can improve your strip-tilling success.
Every no-tiller has one trick or idea that they absolutely can’t live without. For David Linn in Correctionville, Iowa, it’s strip-tilling in the spring instead of the fall.
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Strip Away No-Till Corn Challenges

This Farmer Says strip-till turned troublesome no-till corn into a highly consistent money-making opportunity.
No-tillers in the Corn Belt have different opinions about different practices. But one thing no one will disagree about is no-till corn, and how much more effort this crop takes to produce when compared to no-tilling soybeans.
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