Articles by Jim Leverich

No-Till Notes

Harvest Decisions Set Stage For No-Till Planting

Controlled traffic, GPS guidance and crop rotation can help no-tillers deal with corn residue levels and avoid over-processing and erosion.
The decisions we make about stalk management affect the performance of our no-till systems, and definitely impact the amount of erosion in our fields.
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No-Till Notes

Managing Nitrogen Practices Now Will Provide Benefits

No-tillers who research the most efficient timing, placement and method of nitrogen application can reduce environmental losses and still increase yields.
As the U.S. EPA pressures state regulators to follow provisions in the Clean Water Act more closely, many states are drawing up nitrogen management plans that could affect no-tillers in the future.
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No-Till Notes

A Post-Planting Checklist To Keep No-Till Systems On Track

Scouting fields for planter performance, weed emergence and seedling nutrient deficiencies can help no-tillers improve their management decisions for sidedress applications and beyond.
Even if spring came late to your area, it’s important to take time after planting to review what went right and what could use some improvement.
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No-Till Notes

Managing Nitrogen Practices Now Will Provide Benefits

No-tillers who research the most efficient timing, placement and method of nitrogen application can reduce environmental losses and still increase yields.
AS THE U.S. EPA pressures state regulators to follow provisions in the Clean Water Act more closely, many states are drawing up nitrogen management plans that could affect no-tillers in the future.
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No-Till Notes

Starter Fertilizer Tools Keep Evolving For No-Tillers

Surface banding starter fertilizer 2 to 3 inches off the row can provide a yield boost similar to 2-by-2 placement — without the need for openers.
For years we've known starter fertilizers have been essential for no-tillers to ensure early-season growth in our no-till farming systems. Using starter is necessary as plant root systems are evolving in size.
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No-Till Notes

Some Tips To Consider For Prepping Your No-Till Planter

Bolt tightening, leveling, greasing and calibrating may be needed to make sure your no-till machine is ready to head into the field for planting.
It’s time to think about reviewing your plans for the planting season, and there are four basic areas you may want to spend some time on.
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