No-Till Farmer News

Benefits of a Cover Crop Mix Versus a Single Species Cover Crop

The decision whether to mix species or plant a single species as a cover crop depends on your goals, time of the year, and costs. Planting a mix can increase biodiversity on a farm and can also insure against weather extremes, since different species will thrive in different weather conditions. Read more in this article from the University of Nebraska.
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No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators

[Podcast] Taking a Systems Approach to No-Till with Paul Jasa

In this episode of the “No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators” podcast, brought to you by Martin Industries, No-Till Farmer editor Frank Lessiter talks with Ag engineer Paul Jasa with the University of Nebraska about his many years studying no-till.
In this episode of the “No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators” podcast, brought to you by Martin Industries, No-Till Farmer editor Frank Lessiter talks with Ag engineer Paul Jasa with the University of Nebraska about his many years studying no-till.
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Soil: Water Reservoir for Crop Production

Elwyn Taylor, Iowa State University climatologist, reported that 200-bushel corn needs 19 to 23 inches of water during the growing season. For 200-bushel corn at 75 degree F (soil temperature), corn needs 1-acre inch of water per week, doubling to 2 inches at 85 degrees F, and doubling again to 4 inches at 95 degrees F. Read more in this article from Ohio's Country Journal.
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Curbing Phosphorus Losses: There's an App for That

Phosphorus that leaves agricultural fields in runoff or drainage water can end up in water bodies like lakes, streams and rivers, compromising their quality, fueling algal blooms and imperiling aquatic life as well as recreational activities. A new system that removes phosphorus from runoff or drainage water as it leaves a field could help deal with these issues.
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