No-Till Farming 101

Injecting manure into field

Manure Incorporation in No-Till Cropping Systems

On livestock farms with significant manure production, long term surface application of manure has resulted in a concentration of phosphorus in the top inch or two of soils, which can dissolve into surface water and leave the fields in clear run off. According to Penn State Extension, injection may be the answer for using liquid manure in no-till fields.

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Dicamba and Temperature Inversions: Lessons Learned from 4 Years of Research

Temperature inversions are common during the growing season, and knowing how to tell if one is likely to occur may help prevent Dicamba damage on susceptible plants and crops, say researchers at the University of Missouri. Find out what their research reveals about how wind speed, cloud cover, obstructions and other factors affect temperature inversions.
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Wittman grain harvest

Transform Close Calls Into Improved No-Till Operations

Developing standard operating procedures can streamline operations, improve safety and eliminate waste, staff turnover and confusion, says no-tiller and business consultant Dick Wittman.
Consider this hypothetical: A farmer runs a series of semi tractor-trailers through a port of entry and knows that if the semis are overloaded, he’ll be fined.
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