No-Till Farming 101

Body of Knowledge: Digging Into Noteworthy No-Till Literature

While no-till, cover crops and other conservation ag principles are very much in the news these days, a look back at the no-till literature from both the near and distant past reminds us that these important concepts are not new — yet there is much left to explore.

In the February 2022 issue of No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Tillage Guide, retired ag engineer Randall Reeder of Ohio State University and retired USDA soil scientist Don Reicosky shared the outcomes of a survey they conducted to identify the most significant works in no-till research and literature.

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‘Outsiders’ in D.C. Moved No-Till Forward

Two no-tillers ­— Peter Myers and Bill Richards — brought credibility and trust to Washington, D.C., as they charted a transition for U.S. farmers.

The still “coming of age” no-till practice received two significant shots in the arm when no-tillers were tapped for influential posts in D.C. Instead of bureaucrats, the USDA smartly veered from the norm to appoint two practical farmers, Missouri’s Peter Myers and Ohio’s Bill Richards, to help convince farmers of the merits of reducing tillage. The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.

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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Collaborating with No-Till Pros Takes Farm from Bleak to Booming

Matt and Janna Splitter connected with long-time no-tillers Margaret and Lee Scheufler for guidance. What they got was so much more.
It started with one simple question asked to no-tiller Lee Scheufler at a winter meeting: “Why do you plant soybeans with an airseeder on 7½-inch rows?” A farmer icebreaker if there ever was one. 
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14th Annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study

No-Till Remains Strong, High Interest in Biologicals, Love-Hate with Covers?

14th annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study shows yields, acreage up as cost, nutrient uncertainties loom.

No-Till Farmer’s annual benchmark survey received 480 responses from growers in the U.S. and Canada. Results showed the ongoing strength of the no-till movement as the 60th anniversary of the commercial launch of the practice will be marked later this year.

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On-Farm Testing Unlocks No-Till Success

Longtime no-tiller and retired Wisconsin Extension agent Jim Leverich — the inaugural No-Till Farmer Operator Fellow — encourages farmers to gather and utilize data from their own experience and operations for useful and practicable insights.

As a former extension educator, Leverich is accustomed to keeping good records of practices and having others pick his brain about all the nuances of no-till, making him an excellent candidate for our inaugural Conservation Ag Fellow. He is an advocate for integrating data and precision ag into farming practices and believes on-farm testing is critical to achieving no-till success.

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Battling an Unhealthy 44% Increase in Fertilization Costs, No-Tillers are Seeking Ways to Trim Critical Nutrient Expenses Without Sacrificing Yields and Returns

Sky-high fertilizer prices are certainly having a serious economic impact on how no-tillers will be fertilizing this year’s corn and soybean crops. Major fertility changes are coming, according to data from our 14th annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study that analyzed extensive data from 480 U.S. no-tillers.

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