No-Till Farming 101

Top 12 No-Till Money Savers

This Canadian no-tiller cut back his acreage, sold a line of equipment, reduced trips across the field and switched away from continuous cropping while improving his bottom-line.
Maybe I'm crazy. I hope not. I’ve always thought of myself as a rational person. But I was hesitant to believe that any no-tiller could cut his no-till acres from 10,000 acres to 3,600, sell a line of equipment, cut back on chemical applications and increase his profit margin.
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Research Journal

Heavy rainfall and flooding in many Midwest fields in 1993 prompted farmers and others to ask about soil compaction and the need for preplant tillage prior to planting the following year. On five Iowa farms that experienced excessive rainfall, U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers compared shallow, moderate and deep tillage and evaluated their effects on soil compaction and crop yields.
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The No-Till Answer Man!

As part of this continuing series, an Indiana farmer tackles your most frequently asked no-tilling questions.
Here are my thoughts on recently asked questions by No-Till Farmer readers. Remember that your particular farming circumstances may result in entirely different answers to these particular concerns which were voiced by readers.
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30 Years And Counting

While no-till is a relatively new practice for some farmers, this no-tiller has been doing it successfully for 30 years, learning valuable insights and practices along the way.
Every no-tiller has had their share of challenges. Maybe you’re dealing with a difficult landlord or your seed dealer is 3 days late in delivering your special shipment of Bt corn.
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Making The Most Of It!

To promote no-till learning, these groups captured hundreds of valuable no-till ideas at the mid-winter National No-Tillage Conference.
With innovative farmers seeking more no-till ideas, there’s nothing more informative and educational than the annual National No-Tillage Conference.
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Sharing No-Tillage Information

Discussing no-till challenges week-after-week produces many profitable solutions.
For a group of northwestern Ohio farmers, getting together every Tuesday morning means much more than just sharing a cup of coffee. The gathering offers opportunities to tackle no-till topics.
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