No-Till Farming 101

No-Till Online

Bushels Of Information

Check out these discussion topics from out No-Till Farmer Web site:
One of the things that makes the National No-Tillage Conference so successful year after year are the no-tilling roundtables.
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Searching The Internet For Priceless No-Till Ideas

Kent Krukewitt gave farmers lots of tips on making the Internet work for them at the 2000 National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines.
At the 2000 National No-Tillage Conference, Kent Krukewitt of Champaign County, Ill., revealed some great Internet ideas for no-tillers. Rather than focusing on all the features of just a few sites, he touched on the services and advantages of many sites to illustrate how the Internet is growing rapidly and becoming an integral part of business and pleasure.
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Opportunities A-Plenty With No-Till

To further illustrate the many opportunities that abound with no-till, this no-tiller surveyed the big wigs to crystallize that no-till works—and gained some valuable ideas in the process.
While no-till isn't a brand-new technique anymore, it is only now that we can reflect and improve upon the methods we've been using to save the farm, soils and the environment.
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Dirty Little Secrets For Efficient No-Tilling

No one becomes successful at no-tilling by luck. Here’s tricks that keep northern no-tillers ticking.
NO-TILLING in these tough times, we could all use a good idea or tip here and there. Especially if they're good ones. These farmers from North Dakota and Manitoba have tried and tested many ideas - and we've brought the very best here to share with all of you.
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35 Easy Ways To $ave Money!

In these tough times, we could all use some ideas to help save money.
The hall was buzzing at the recent eighth annual National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. It was here that 715 no-tillers gathered to exchange ideas and learn new ways to boost their yields and add bushels of income per acre. This year's crowd certainly wasn't let down as they absorbed new ideas that can be put to immediate use. Here are some of the best.
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