No-Till Farming 101


Constantly Evaluate Technology To Improve Farm Profits

Adopt technology early, hire specialists, increase cropping intensity and seek information from farmers, a young Kansas no-tiller says.
Dietrich Kastens constantly evaluates technology to achieve clear-cut goals. The Herndon, Kan., no-tiller wants Kastens Inc. Farms to compete with the top third of farms in the Kansas Farm Management Database for lowest cost, planting intensity, farm size or expansion, and most importantly, profit.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Seven Strategies Help Missouri No-Tiller Excel

Diverse rotations, improved plant nutrition and control of tough weeds are some of the ways Eddie Hoff boosts no-till yields.
I’m the third generation of the Hoff family to operate our farm near Boonville, Mo. Following an early example set by my dad, John Hoff, who first no-tilled in the early 1970s, I’ve spent the past several years fine-tuning our no-till program.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Pays To Listen To Your Dad About No-Till

Twenty-three years after his father suggested they no-till, Wisconsin farmer Dan Stokes no-tills corn as early as possible, grows diverse rotations, custom no-tills and milks cows, too.
Twenty-five years ago, my father, Loren Stokes, and I milked and fed a 100-cow dairy herd and were also tilling about 300 acres of farmland. Needless to say, we were busy daylight to dark. We both decided we were working too hard.
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No-Till Raises Your Environmental Score

The increased use of no-till farming since the 1980s, and the increased use of glyphosate-resistant crops since 1996, has significantly turned farmers into environmentalists. Less soil has eroded, less chemicals have been applied, and less fuel has been used because of significant changes in farming practices.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Always Learning More From No-Till And Strip-Till

Tom Oswald continues the onfarm research that convinced him 20 years ago to avoid full-width tillage
It might be more correct to call this article, “What I’m Still Learning From No-Tilling.” Over nearly 30 years, my farming operation has shifted from customary fall-spring tillage, through a period of detailed research and onfarm studies and finally, 11 years ago, to adoption of continuous no-till.
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