Precision Agriculture


Will Automatic Steering Benefit No-Tillers?

It may be as much as a $50,000 question, but increased accuracy could definitely make it pay in some no-till operations.
While it depends on your own particular farming operation, automatic tractor steering systems that cost as much as $50,000 could pay off relatively quickly, says Randall Reeder, Extension agricultural engineer at Ohio State University.
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Using Precision Ag To Unlock Higher No-Till Yields

You can earn an extra $5.20 extra per acre by using variable rate seeding with new precision management tools.
To feed future generations, no-tillers will need to find new ways to increase productivity while conserving current and future resources, says Darian Landolt, a researcher in CNH Global’s Product Management Innovation Group at Maple Park, Ill. Most importantly, he maintains that these objectives must be sustainable.
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Precision Place Those No-Tilled Seeds

Combining new technologies with the best features of planters and drills, the new 3N-3010P and 3N-3020P seeding rigs from Great Plains Manufacturing feature meters that singulate soybean, corn and cotton seed while volumetrically metering smaller grains like wheat and rice. The extra-large wheel on this 30-foot unit turns slowly, allowing the meter to operate efficiently at speeds as fast as 8 miles per hour.
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Use Incentives To Expand No-Till Acres

Northeast Nebraska program boosts no-till interest, acres and yields by going from 8,382 acres in 1999 to 120,000 no-tilled acres this year.
When funding for conservation practices began to tighten in the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District (LENRD) in northeast Nebraska, a collaborative effort and new incentive program introduced more farmers to no-till and increased no-till acres.
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Planting Precision Fine-Tunes No-Till Yields

Here’s how this no-tiller avoided costly uneven stands and serious yield losses.
David Wipf learned a lot about precision corn planting last year, thanks to the Computrol II Monitor that he won at the 2000 National No-Tillage Conference. Wipf, crops manager at the Fairview Colony near LaMoure, N.D., directs production on 2,500 acres of no-till corn and soybeans.
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