Precision Agriculture

Planting Precision Fine-Tunes No-Till Yields

Here’s how this no-tiller avoided costly uneven stands and serious yield losses.
David Wipf learned a lot about precision corn planting last year, thanks to the Computrol II Monitor that he won at the 2000 National No-Tillage Conference. Wipf, crops manager at the Fairview Colony near LaMoure, N.D., directs production on 2,500 acres of no-till corn and soybeans.
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Frank Comments

Get Closer to Record Yields

Ever think that you could be no-tilling record yields in every field on your farm? Researchers at Texas A&M University say harvesting the equivalent of record yields every year from every field will not only be possible in the future, but they believe the means of doing so are already being developed.
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Harvest Higher No-TIll Yields

Last Spring, you did all you could to grow the highest possible no-till yields. Now it's time to bring it home.
Some farming innovators maintain harvest is the key to making any no-till program work. You’ve got to spread straw, chaff and stalks evenly across your fields if you want the best no-tilling conditions at seeding time.
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Slow Down, Tune Up Your No-Till Planter

Frustration made this no-tiller start his own seed-metering business and strive for planting perfection. Here’s how to soup up your planter for picket-fence stands.
Gregg Sauder of Tremont, Ill., has been working on no-till planters for 6 years now. He checks vac units and finger units for worn parts and calibrates both to make sure they are up to par. In fact, no-tillers around the country are lining up to have Sauder tinker with their planter to make sure it’s in top-notch condition.
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More On No-Till Seed Coatings

As we near the dawning of the new millennium, farming technology leads us to the future of seed coatings and a plethora of new cropping possibilities.
Since the first word of the first rumor leaked out, there has been a buzz amid the no-till community about seed coatings. But not just any seed coating, coatings that would delay germination for up to 20 days, opening a new realm of different possibilities.
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Frank Comments

Discing Away Your Profits

If you haven't already read it, there was a fascinating article of special interest to no-tillers found in the October issue of Soybean Digest. Entitled “Discing Profits Down,” the article features on-farm test data from Indiana indicating that the more a farmer discs the ground in the fall, the more profit he or she will end up losing.
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“No-Till Is Key To Growth”

By saving time and showing landlords the many benefits of no-till, this Kentucky farming operation has grown to taking crops off more than 6,000 acres.
When you're expanding, nothing is more important than making the most efficient use of your time and equipment while boosting yields.
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New Seed Coatings Mean Exciting No-Till Changes

Polymer seed coatings will extend double-cropping northward, encourage no-tilling of full-season soybeans prior to corn and help no-till corn growers ignore the calendar.
With polymer based soybean seed coatings expected to be used by a few farmers next spring, many traditional seeding ideas are about to be discarded.
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