Count Keith Reha in as one of the many no-tillers taking a hard look at their soybean seed expenses, and questioning the tools and even the row width they use with no-till soybeans.
From his farm office lined with county yield awards, Roger Dobbins stands firm that no-till can pay even on his flat, poorly drained Cedarville, Ohio, fields.
Adjustments to seeding rates, downpressure and coulter depth within fields are necessary for Johnny Davis to no-till successfully in variable soil conditions.
Higher input prices and lower prices for corn and soybeans will likely hurt farm profitability in 2009, but University of Illinois economist Gary Schnitkey forecasts a brighter future for farmers.
No-till has not only been better economically for Angela, Mont., farmer Alan Ballensky, the moisture protected by no-till has helped him raise yields that many would not deem possible in such a dry climate.
Alan Ballensky rolls his 4730 John Deere self-propelled sprayer to a stop in a cloud of dust at a field edge on his southeastern Montana small grains no-till operation.
Today, there’s a lot of incentive to get the right seed in the right place with the right inputs so it can produce to its maximum potential. Seed costs are soaring due to new in-plant technologies and hungry new mouths are born every second.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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