Up in Manitoba, a number of farmers have sharply expanded direct seeded acres over the past 5 years. With innovations coming with fall seeding, some may again double direct seeded acres.
In a 17-year Nebraska study, researchers found that conservation tillage gave higher irrigated corn yields and profits than tilled plantings. The average yield increase was 4 bushels per acre, while the three conservation tillage treatments resulted in $8 to $16 per acre less tillage costs than the conventional disc tillage treatment. The conservation tillage treatments were ridge-till, rotary-till and slot-plant, while tilled treatments consisted of chisel, disc or lister operations for the furrow-irrigated continuous corn plantings.
Bob Mcnabb's no-till wheat field just outside the western Manitoba community of Minnedosa was as lush and green as any in these parts. But there was still something noticeably different about the crop.
Even if you're brand-new to the no-till corn scene, you're well aware of the row spacing debate. Some folks swear 30-inch corn is the best spacing. Others are staunch defenders of the 15- or 20-inch plan. And still others maintain 7-inch twin rows is the wave of the future and we might as well get used to it.
If you've been struggling with no-till wheat, you may be pulling your hair out looking for answers. These no-tillers explain what's new, what's coming and why it can be down-right confusing.
When it comes to perfecting no-till crop practices, it seems like corn and soybeans have made the most progress. They’ve got genetically altered seed and specialized chemicals. They’re continually tinkering with planters and drills, hoping to create the ideal machine. But what about wheat?
With a collection of high yield trophies and plenty of acres of no-tilled corn soybeans, Dean Holst is a great source of information when deciding on the “right” varieties.
Hop aboard the “ag-train” and join us for an excursion to Tennessee’s scenic Monroe County. Located 50 miles southeast of Knoxville, the 660-square-mile tract lies in the Great Valley of eastern Tennessee along the western slopes of the Unaka Mountains.
Scott Day seemed not to notice the pun in his words as his three-ton Chevy truck rumbled past field after unseeded field in which standing water mirrored the sky.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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