Seeding & Planting

Is There Hope For Biotech Wheat?

Advocates believe lower production costs and higher yields could come from biotech and would reverse the trend of declining wheat acres.
As plantings of genetically modified (GM) crops continue to climb by millions of acres per year, one crop stands out for its absence from the list. Wheat growers, including no-tillers, are still waiting for the benefits of biotechnology, and the wait is likely to be a long one.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Management Duties And Profits Both Rise In Move To No-Tilling

Switching to no-till doesn’t necessarily mean more free time, but you will trade iron and tractor time for a thinking cap and a fatter wallet.
When people ask me for a quick answer to justify shifting to no-tillage, the best one I can come up with is this: Yield is not measured in bushels or tons per acre. Yield is measured in net dollars per acre. No-tilling equals more dollars in the bank.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After Nearly 25 Years, Improvements Still Keep Coming

An open mind welcomes a lot of ideas that, with a little tweaking, can deliver even more success to your fields.
Talk to 10 no-tillers and you’ll probably hear 10 slightly different viewpoints on why it pays to quit disturbing and start building the soil. At Sheridan Farms, we’ve got our list, too. We’ve been able to drop from five marketed crops to two or three without any loss in productivity or farm income.
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High Performance Needed With No-Till Corn

There’s a growing need to switch to a corn herbicide that will burn weeds down and provide season-long residual control.
While some growers see no-till as an important soil conservation measure, others see it as a way to reduce costs and boost their bottom lines. In fact, a number of farmers are switching to no-till in 2006 due to record-high fuel prices.
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2020 Vision

Here’s what a leading ag analyst eyes as major trends impacting no-tillers over the next 14 years.
During January’s 14th annual National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis, Charlie Rentschler gazed into the crystal ball and came up with 11 major trends no-tillers will have to deal with by the year 2020.
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Corn Seed Options Boom for No-Till

It’s no longer a guessing game, but rather a matter of sorting through all the information to find seed that fits your no-till field conditions and practices.
There have never been more corn hybrid selections and protections on the market to help meet the needs of no-tillers. We’ve moved a long way from the hybrid guessing game no-tillers were in just a few short years ago.
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Early Soybeans Can Reap Big Rewards

This no-tiller says there are lots of reasons you should consider no-tilling soybeans earlier.
Most modern agronomists would laugh at the planting dates followed by our forefathers. Times were different. The economy was different. And the information we knew about the soil, most effective planting dates and what it ultimately means to the crop was definitely different.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Attitude Is The Most Important Prerequisite For No-Till Success

Environmental issues including air quality with dust and diesel fuel emissions are driving the move to less tillage in California.
California has long been one of the most productive agricultural areas of the world. Partly for that reason, growers there are often understandably reluctant to try new farming methods, especially when rising fuel and labor costs and market competition are shrinking profit margins.
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