Seeding & Planting

No-Till Notes

Get Seed Placed Properly

Planter adjustments and proper use of attachments are critical to uniform no-till seedling emergence and maximum yields.
Whether your no-till planter is ready to go this spring depends on whether you have the right attachments or make the proper adjustments to get seed placed uniformly at the correct depth and population.
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In Continuous No-Till, Banding Starters Makes You Money

Placing nutrients near the seed gets corn off to a fast start and avoids losses or tying up of nutrients from broadcast applications.
Banding is good. Virginia Tech agronomist Mark Alley explains to no-tillers the reasons for banding nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, near the seed during a break at the 16th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
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Challenges Increase With Earlier No-Till Corn Planting

The trend toward planting no-till corn earlier continues to grow. Increasing farm size and the need to cover a large number of acres within a shorter window of time make early corn planting necessary to avoid planting delays and potential late-season drought and pest problems toward the end of the growing season.
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Residue Management Drives Corn Head Developments

The trend to continuous corn, twin-row corn and Bt hybrids is shifting the task of managing increased residue to the corn head.
It used to be that the primary task of a corn head was to harvest corn: separate the ear from the stalk with as little grain loss as possible, while collecting as little trash as possible, says Marion Calmer, a no-till farmer with Calmer Corn Heads in Alpha, Ill. But as growers look to better integrate field operations, the corn head is playing an increasingly important role in managing crop residue as well.
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Maine Taking Steps To Allow Bt Corn

Main has been the only state in the U.S. that doesn’t permit the planting of Bt corn, but that might be about to change. The state’s Board of Pesticide Control licensed the genetically engineered corn this past summer and recently held a public hearing on proposed rules regulating its use in the state. Bt corn could be used for the first time in Maine as soon as 2008.
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