Cover Crops

Cover Crops Turn Fields Into Buffers

Watching an airplane that traditionally is used to spray row crops during the summer, more than 50 people, consisting of grain growers, agribusinesses and farming organizations, gathered north of Webster City Tuesday to watch a demonstration of aerial seeding of winter rye in a cornfield that was yet to be harvested.
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Frank Comments

No-Tilling Into Living Grasses

Over the past 38 years, we've produced a handful of No-Till Farmer articles on no-tilling corn and other crops into a living cover, such as alfalfa sod, cereal rye or wheat. But it’s a tricky maneuver and one that has not caught on among many no-tillers.
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No-Till Seed Cover Crops With Liquid Manure Applications

Manure-slurry seeding of cover crops produces an excellent stand and saves time and money, a Michigan State University expert says.
No-tillers who must apply manure late in the summer and also want to drill cover crops face a conflict. When storage nears capacity, manure must be applied to fields. But timely seeding of cover crops is crucial to establishing stands.
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