Cover Crops

Using Cover Crops To Take Up Nutrients

One benefit of planting cover crops after corn silage, small grain, or a processing vegetable crop, or after a manure application is that the cover crop can take up residual nitrate and reduce the risk of nitrate leaching between harvest and planting.
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No-Till Brings New ‘Shade’ Of Higher Yields, Profitability

Johnny and Brian Moore’s switch to no-till, cover crops and a diverse rotation has stopped erosion, improved organic matter and made their North Carolina farm’s high-clay soils more productive.
Brian Moore stuck a small shovel into the ground, pushed it down with his foot and pulled up a chunk of soil interlaced with roots and decaying plant matter.
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A Cover Crop Bonus: Weed Suppression

With the pipeline of new herbicides hitting the market shrinking in the next decade, wisely chosen cover crops that establish quickly and are controlled properly can keep weeds at bay.
No-tillers are finding that weed suppression can be an added benefit of using cover crops by tweaking a few management strategies in their fields.
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Opportunities For Summer Cover Crop Seeding

Small grain harvest has started and some fields are still open after a challenging spring, which means this is a golden opportunity for cover crop or summer forage seedings.
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USDA Clarifies Cover Crop Rules For FSA’s ACRE Program

No-tillers can now seed cover crops and still be eligible for ACRE payments, but more changes are expected with the pending Farm Bill.
In the “Frank Comments” column (Page 6) in the May issue of No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Tillage Guide, we outlined major cover crop concerns with current government payment and crop insurance regulations.
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Frank Comments

Cover Crop Comeback

Growing up on a six-generation, family-owned dairy farm in Michigan, I remember helping my dad seed clover in the fall after harvesting corn silage. The goal was to produce some cheap fertilizer, protect the ground from winter erosion and mellow the soil prior to moldboard plowing, discing and planting in the spring.
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