Strip-Till Farming


11 Things He’s Learned About Strip-Till

20 years after inventing the Corn Belt’s version of the strip-till rig, Richard Follmer shares a few of the practice’s advantages and must-do tips and techniques.
If you haven't heard of Richard Follmer, just know that you've probably used a version of his invention if you've used a strip-till unit recently. The owner of Progressive Farm Products in Hudson, Ill., invented the midmount, dual-placement strip-till toolbar that is being used by thousands of Corn Belt farmers.
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Why They Strip-Till... And What They’ve Picked Up

Five strip-tillers explain the benefits of this system in their operations.
A growing number of farmers are switching to strip-till for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s to warm up soils that remain cold for too long in the spring, to trim input costs, to reduce compaction, improve drainage or other reasons, strip-till is getting a closer look these days.
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$5,000 Grant, Used Parts Lead To Homemade Strip-Till Rig

This 6-row, 30-inch unit drops dry fertilizer along the row and incorporates anhydrous ammonia in one pass for Iowa strip-tiller.
Having his own strip-till unit to put down pre-plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for corn was an idea that always bubbled on the back burner for Fred Abels. The Holland, Iowa, no-tiller thought he could incorporate just such a home-built unit into his current no-till operation.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Striving For Lofty Goals With Strip-Till

Illinois father-son partners are seeking to hit consistent yields of 250 bushels after 5 years of highly successful continuous corn.
When I shared our no-till experiences at the 2004 National No-Tillage Conference, we had just made a serious shift from a corn-soybean rotation to continuous corn. After 5 years, we’ve learned a lot about growing corn on corn. Now we’re evaluating new technology that will take our strip-till operation to the “next level,” as I reported in Indianapolis during the 2009 event.
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With Strip-Till, Hitting The Mark Makes The Difference

Repeating passes within RTK sub-inch accuracy has made this tillage practice viable.
If you want to know just how important precision is to strip-till, Steve Cubbage has a pretty good answer. The ability, in recent years, to use technology to repeat passes in the same location time after time is what has made strip-till a viable production system, the Nevada, Mo., strip-tiller says.
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