Learn the what and how
of virtual fencing, the dramatic agronomic benefits with livestock and why
you stand to benefit economically from introducing livestock into your
operation during the general session,"Making Grazing So Easy a Corn Grower Can Do It."
Learn from the Univ. of Illinois's Fred Below and Connor Sible about why you can’t rely solely on soil test values to provide the mineral nutrition needed
for 300-bushel corn, why you should consider short-statured hybrids, the impact of higher plant populations on yield and how to manage continuous corn during the 2024 National No-Tillage Conference general session "The 7 Wonders of the 300-Bushel Corn Yield World."
Attend Howard Buffett's upcoming session at the National No-Tillage Conference and learn why food security and conflict are interconnected, the successes and challenges with no-till adoption globally, and how
YOU play a critical role in feeding the world.
Attend the inaugural David Brandt Memorial Lecture Series, "Spreading the No-Till Message: Farmer-to-Farmer Panel Discussion," at the National No-Tillage Conference to learn about what
you can do to carry on the message of no-till.
Attend no-tiller Roy Pfaltzgraff's upcoming session at the National No-Tillage Conference and learn about the 30-year ROI of switching to a continuous no-till
cropping system, why the value of soil health is more than just raw
numbers and how to assess the value of changes implemented on
your own farm with the broader picture in mind.
Attend no-tiller Clay Mitchell's upcoming session at the National No-Tillage Conference and learn how early emphasis on product-market fit creates different behavior patterns from companies focused on profitability, why startup efforts spent on fundraising can catastrophically
detract from customer focus and which of today’s most successful
products are tomorrow’s buggy whips.
At the National No-Tillage Conference, hear from Syngenta's experts on how the EPA’s buffers/setbacks for pesticides
impact you and what field demos have proved about spray drift.
At the National No-Tillage Conference, hear from Western
Canada’s Rob Saik discuss the pragmatic solutions to improve their
profitability and sustainability.
At the National No-Tillage Conference, corn and soybean yield champions, David Hula and Randy Dowdy, will share
the results of their 2022 cropping
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
Brownsburg Ind. no-tiller Mike Starkey shares his initial reactions to the agricultural funding cuts and federal freezing that the U.S. Government has executed on. While he expresses a general nervousness from his local farming community, Starkey says, “We’re going to somehow overcome if there's any issues with [funding] regardless, because I'm going to continue what I'm doing."
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