As we pray for those affected by the tragic flooding in several states, there’s plenty of information available on strategies for getting flooded-out soils back to productivity again.
A new disease affecting corn might have blown in on the recent “bomb cyclone,” and a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist said producers should be aware of what might make its way to their fields later this year.
Chloride (Cl) is a highly mobile nutrient in soils and topdressing is typically a good time for application, especially in regions with sufficient precipitation or with coarse-textured soils are prone to leaching, says Kansas State University Extension.
Technology originally designed for space exploration shows some promise for providing critical evapotransporation data that could serve farmers in semi-arid environments. Can it save agriculture’s water supplies in the West?
Recent research at Kansas State University has confirmed farmers' claims of Palmer amaranth being resistant to 2,4-D and dicamba — the first confirmed case of resistance to these herbicides, says Iowa State University Extension.
SARE’s new infographic, "What is Soil Health?", explores how sustainable management practices impact soil structure, water holding capacity and erosion while increasing the resilience and profitability of the entire system.
A speaker at No-till on the Plains shares some fascinating information about quorum sensing and its potential to harness the power of microbes to improve water retention in soils and produce food of higher nutritional quality.
Canola Council agronomy specialist Ian Epp discusses how good crop emergence limits the opportunities for herbicide-resistant weeds to get a foothold on farms.
Development of a cotton plant with stronger natural defenses due to a greater gland density and thus more gossypol in the leaves could soon be a reality, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant biotechnologist in College Station.
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In this 2025 National No-Tillage Conference session preview, Rockwell City, Iowa, no-tiller James Hepp checks in with a look at his highly modified Case IH 1200 pivot-fold no-till planter.
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