Articles Tagged with ''residue management''

No-Till Notes: Vertical Tillage Has Its Place in No-Till Fields

Whether it’s processing residue, removing surface compaction or seeding covers, vertical tillage can be a valuable tool in your no-till system.
As a no-tiller, any form of tillage is usually a bad word and some no-tillers are adamant that any form of soil disturbance is taboo. However, there are places where some form of ‘tillage’ has its place and can add value to a no-till system. All the worms, microbes and organic matter that no-till fosters won’t always be the solution to every soil problem.
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Laura Barrera
From the Desk of Laura Barrera

Keys to Speeding Up Residue Decomposition

While residue decomposition is largely controlled by the environment and soil conditions, there are some things no-tillers can do to help speed breakdown along.
While residue decomposition is largely controlled by the environment and soil conditions, there are some things no-tillers can do to help speed breakdown along.
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Frank Comments

Keep Your No-Till “Cool”

Leaving Residue on the surface to keep the soil from getting so hot that it seriously impacts plant growth is among the benefits of no-tilling. Along these lines, there’s some interesting research being done at Montana State University that demonstrates how cooler soils not only lead to higher yields, but also reduce the need for fallowing fields to conserve moisture and favorably impact climate change.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Embracing a Blank Slate and Pushing for Change

Being relatively new to farming allows Hooper, Neb., no-tiller Chad Christianson to adopt conservation practices without tradition holding back his ingenuity.
When I started farming with my father-in-law, John Ruwe, I thought I was at a real disadvantage to my peers who came from generations of farm families — those who had the opportunity to farm day in and day out alongside their parents and grandparents.
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AGCO Launches New 3300 Series Cornhead

Caleb Schleder, tactical marketing manager for AGCO Gleaner Combines, introduces the company’s new series of combine cornheads, which offer “tip-to-tip” productivity, including increased chopping capability and better residue management.
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