An issue facing corn growers this fall and winter when purchasing corn for next summer centers around the recent announcement of western corn rootworms developing resistance to Cry3Bb1.
Source: By Darrel Good, Agricultural Economist, University of Illinois
While the USDA's September production forecast exceeded the August forecast, the recent sharp price decline primarily reflects the continuation of poor economic performance and concerns about financial conditions in Europe and the U.S.
Recognizing Ohio's top conservation farm families seemed particularly significant during this year's awards ceremony at the Farm Science Review Sept. 22.
You may have only 3 years left. No, I'm not talking about attractive corn and soybean prices. I'm talking about something that could really eat away at your bottom line.
The American Soybean Association (ASA) is pleased to announce Ryan Speer of Jacob Farms in Sedgwick, Kan. (Midwest Region), Rodney Rulon of Rulon Enterprises in Arcadia, Ind. (Northeast Region) and E. Cullen Bryant of Bryant Farms in Dillon, S.C. (South Region) as the regional winners of the 2012 Conservation Legacy Awards.
Source: By Phyllis Picklesimer, University of Illinois
The USDA's Sept. 12, 2011, Crop Production report confirmed expectations of a smaller U.S. corn crop than forecast in August, said a University of Illinois agricultural economist.
Glyphosate herbicide was found in significant levels in Mississippi as part of a U.S. Geological Survey Office (USGS) project, and the findings have been submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency to be used as part of the agency's evaluation of the registration of glyphosate.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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