Articles Tagged with ''percent''

Compaction Can Threaten Unsuspecting No-Tillers

Just because you’re no-tilling doesn’t mean a hardpan can’t undermine all your cropping efforts from the roots up.
No-tillers know the threat that compaction poses to their crops. And although no-tilling minimizes the risk of compaction, no-tillers might not understand how a hardpan might still sneak into their fields.
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Consider Liquid Manure For Fertilizing No-Till Fields

Used properly, incorporated liquid manure provides no-tillers another option for meeting crop fertilization needs in the face of ever-increasing nitrogen costs.
Nitrogen costs keep rising, forcing no-tillers to examine fertilization program options and their impact on crops and the bottom line. For some no-tillers, liquid livestock manure might be an option — if they can overcome concerns about odors or the feasibility of incorporation.
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No-Till Weed Management Deserves Another Look

With the emergence of Roundup Ready crops and no-tillers’ reliance on glyphosate, especially in soybeans, management of herbicide programs should be changing, too.
Some no-tillers, whether they recognize it or not, practice weed control without ever really coming to grips with the subject, says Bryan Young, a Southern Illinois University weed scientist.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Continuous No-Till Really Does Pay

While 23 percent of the country’s total cropland is now being no-tilled, less than 12 percent has been continuously no-tilled for more than 5 years.
If I had to pick out one consistent thing about no-tilling that I have observed over and over, it is that most no-till benefits come with continuous no-till — season to season and crop to crop. That’s the message I delivered last winter to attendees at the 2005 National No-Tillage Conference just a few days after I retired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. And it’s the message I would like to expand upon as a private consultant: It’s time for the no-till community to aim higher.
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No-Tillers Enter The Carbon Lottery

Storing carbon is becoming a value-added option for Canadian growers.
A small group of no-till farmers will become the first in Canada to be paid for storing carbon in their soils as part of a pilot project exploring ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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As Numbers Mount, Opposition Arises To Monsanto Lawsuits Against Farmers

No-tillers growing non-biotech crops in which genetically modified crops are also growing due to wind-blown pollen or volunteer plants from a previous year’s seeds are liable to be sued by Monsanto Company, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Food Safety. So are no-tillers who grow biotech crops without signing Monsanto’s technology agreement, the group says.
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Seed Trait Development Is Hot Item

With today’s emphasis by seed and chemical companies on development of complete crop packages, herbicide development is taking a back seat.
With growers needing to find new ways to take U.S. yields to a higher level to compete with other countries, Rob Neill says increased emphasis needs to be placed on seed treatments, shifting resources to development of new seed traits and developing new pest control compounds.
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