Articles Tagged with ''No-till notes''

No-Till Notes

Some Tips To Consider For Prepping Your No-Till Planter

Bolt tightening, leveling, greasing and calibrating may be needed to make sure your no-till machine is ready to head into the field for planting.
It’s time to think about reviewing your plans for the planting season, and there are four basic areas you may want to spend some time on.
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No-Till Notes

Looking Deeper: Do New Ideas Fit My No-Till System?

As the importance of nutrient management keeps increasing, no-tillers must ensure the results of university and onfarm studies are relevant to their farming operation.
Farm managment practices that improve nutrient use were highlighted at the 21st annual National No-Tillage Conference (NNTC) in Indianapolis.
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No-Till Notes

‘Get With The System’ To Fine-Tune Seed Selection

Testing hybrids and varieties on your own farm, in multiple locations over a number of years, can help you get the best genetics and yields.
Selecting the most appropriate hybrids and varieties for your no-till farm can improve profits immensely, but this decision can be difficult because so many options are available.
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No-Till Notes

Locate, Correct Compaction For More No-Till Success

Like any field operation, identifying and addressing compaction layers are important to maximize water infiltration, root growth and crop yields.
Compaction can be present in fields for a number of reasons. Normally it’s created when heavy equipment, wagons, trucks, tankers or spreaders make passes on fields when the soil is too wet to hold them. Even heavy planters, tractors or sprayers can cause compaction.
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Emerging Tools For Evaluating Soils Could Change How You Farm

Improved electromagnetic sensors and on-the-go software yield 3-D maps of soil profiles that may help no-tillers fine-tune field management decisions.
We've been using precision technologies, such as yield monitors and variable-rate application, for more than a decade to help us fine-tune management practices and improve our production methods and profitability
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No-Till Notes

Moving Up to a Larger No-Till Planter?

Do your research, keep your no-till goals in mind and ask plenty of questions before diving into this all-important purchase.
Recently we purchased a new planter as our acreage and custom work has been increasing. We decided we wanted a larger planter, and one that would allow us to continue with our 20-inch rows.
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