Articles Tagged with ''jim leverich''

No-Till Notes

Take Soil Samples With Precision Ag In Mind

Define variability and create a plan with the help of an agronomist to maximize fertilizer efficiency and profits.
With precision ag technology available to spread fertilizer at variable rates, soil testing is essential to make fertilizer prescriptions. Soil tests will give a basis for fine-tuning fertilizer and manure inputs so they are used cost effectively on your farm
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No-Till Notes

Scout Fields, Check Combine For Better Yields And Safe Harvest

Evaluating no-till stands, residue and equipment can help you improve profitability at harvest-time this fall and for years to come.
Harvest last year was a real challenge for many no-tillers as crops didn’t dry out and harvest was late. In many cases, this didn't allow much time during the harvest to assess overall no-till management.
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No-Till Notes

Assess Crop Perfomance Frequently This Season

Weekly scouting will help you discover what’s affecting your no-tilled corn and soybean yields and the changes you need to make for 2011.
With early season warmth, many no-tillers started planting very early this year. Now is a good time to go back and look at your planting calendar and begin to assess whether this early no-till planting worked for you or if waiting later to no-till may have been better.
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No-Till Notes

No-Till Notes: On-Farm Research Aided By Precision Tools

Replication, randomization of plots with today’s technology can help you learn a great deal about your farm more easily than ever
Guidance systems and control monitors really make on-farm research easier. In the past, it was hard to set up replicated plots, and time consuming to record and weigh the results. Today, yield monitors, guidance systems and rate controllers really make research much easier.
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No-Till Notes

Adopt Precision Ag Tools One Step At A Time

After purchasing precision equipment, make sure you collect the necessary data to properly use and profit from the technology
While percision AG tools may not be “new” anymore, many producers aren’t utilizing the technology to its fullest. Many farmers tell me they have 5 to 6 years of yield maps, but they don’t know what to do with them.
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