Corn and soybean growers have an economic incentive to encourage management of glyphosate resistance instead of ignoring it, says USDA's Economic Research Service.
In areas where soybeans are still in the field and weeds still have some gree in them, there is a potential for problems when the combine starts rolling, says Penn State University weed expert Bill Curran.
With harvest in full swing, many farmers are probably reflecting on the season, and some are considering what they'll do differently next year. This is a good time to take a few notes on what you're seeing and start planning for next year's crops.
One of the most important steps in no-till weed control is to start with a clean field. This means you should use a burndown treatment to make sure the field is clean at or shortly after planting.
Rainy weather and cooler-than-normal summer temperatures have resulted in a white mold outbreak in soybeans throughout parts of the Midwest. For Ohio growers, this is the first major outbreak of white mold in the state in nearly a decade.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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