No-Till Farmer readers can be part of a unique research project that will lead to a FREE soil analysis and offer new insights into developing more valuable soil properties with no-till.
When three Ohio State University educators spoke about soil properties and structure at last winter’s National No-Tillage Conference, they asked attendees to help them take a closer look at the many changes occurring with less tillage.
When it comes to trimming fertilizer costs with low-cost nutrients from manure, most concerns center around timing and compaction issues, maintains Eric Debauch.
No-tillers have a stake in the production of ethanol. Currently, most ethanol is produced from corn, which has driven up demand and prices. But the consensus among researchers is that corn grain eventually will be replaced by other raw materials, possibly including crop residue, which could a revenue source for no-tillers.
Used properly, incorporated liquid manure provides no-tillers another option for meeting crop fertilization needs in the face of ever-increasing nitrogen costs.
Nitrogen costs keep rising, forcing no-tillers to examine fertilization program options and their impact on crops and the bottom line. For some no-tillers, liquid livestock manure might be an option — if they can overcome concerns about odors or the feasibility of incorporation.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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