EQUENTO, based on Syngenta’s PLINAZOLIN technology, is applied onto seeds and uses a new mode of action (IRAC Group 30) to break the rise of insect resistance.
In this webinar, Dan Forgey, agronomy manager for Cronin Farms, will discuss how the operation adopted a diversified no-till system in order to focus on improving soil health using cover crops in a rotation of corn, spring wheat, winter wheat, sunflowers, soybeans, flax, field peas and lentils.
The study has public health and agricultural implications, as tapping into environmentally dependent mechanisms that influence reproduction in mosquitoes and crop pests may offer new control strategies.
Knowing key pests is just the first step; developing an insect-management strategy for crops based on scouting, use of crop rotation and field history are critical next steps that enable you to choose the right product for the job.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome Ohio State University field crops specialist Kelley Tilmon to discuss the rise of Bt resistant Western bean cutworm.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome Ohio State University field crops specialist Kelley Tilmon to discuss the rise of Bt resistant Western bean cutworm.
The university has listed new thresholds for treating pests in corn, soybeans, cotton, wheat and several other crops based on new research and field tests.
Overly optimistic assumptions about transgenic crops that produce two or more Bt toxins active against the same pest can lead to inadequate strategies for delaying evolution of pest resistance, says University of Arizona.
With kudzu bug populations this season, growers need to focus their efforts on the other soybean pests, including the corn earworm/tobacco budworm, stink bugs and defoliators.
Residue management, proper seeding rates, timely nitrogen applications and scouting for diseases are some of the keys to pushing no-till wheat yields to worthwhile levels
From the Pacific Northwest to the Great Plains to the Eastern Corn Belt, no-tillers John Aeschliman, Dan Forgey, Allen Dean and Romey Bardwell grow different varieties of dryland wheat in different soils in areas receiving vastly different amounts of rain.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
Brownsburg Ind. no-tiller Mike Starkey shares his initial reactions to the agricultural funding cuts and federal freezing that the U.S. Government has executed on. While he expresses a general nervousness from his local farming community, Starkey says, “We’re going to somehow overcome if there's any issues with [funding] regardless, because I'm going to continue what I'm doing."
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