Articles Tagged with ''Paul Jasa,''


No Longer Afraid Of Residue

Evenly spreading residue creates a uniform base for planting, better emergence and consistent stands for Nebraska no-tiller Matt Kathol
Like many farmers, Matt and Glenn Kathol turned to no-till to manage the workload on their family farm. But their switch to no-till in 2001 also made it possible for Kathol to farm full time with his father, Glenn.
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8 Steps For Better No-Tilling

Today’s stronger, heavier equipment is designed to cut and handle residue, penetrate soil to your desired seeding depth, get proper seed-to-soil contact and close the seed-vee. With these four functions in mind, University of Nebraska engineer Paul Jasa says you need to evaluate your no-till planter early in the spring while you have time to make adjustments or buy attachments.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Firsthand Experience Led No-Tiller To Advocate Practice In Nebraska

Conservation of soil, a better quality of life and the time to invent the TracPacker were all benefits of no-till for Dan Gillespie.
Most no-tillers can recall a time (or incident) when the “light went on” — when no-till became an obvious option. For me, that happened in 1986 during a dry spring.
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To Minimize Soil Disturbance, Get Rid Of The Shake

Anhydrous application can be accomplished without tearing up no-till fields.
According to Paul Jasa, Extension agricultural engineer at the University of Nebraska, no-tillers can minimize soil disturbance with existing application equipment. The key is setting the machine correctly and having the right coulters and shanks in place to do the job.
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28 Critical Points To Consider Before No-Tilling Continuous Corn

Mindful of an emerging trend, an agricultural engineer offers guidelines to thoughtful decision-making for no-tillers thinking about leaping into monoculture corn.
Before Paul Jasa will even discuss no-till continuous corn, he issues a strong warning about monoculture farming. The highly respected University of Nebraska extension agricultural engineer has worked for more than 30 years “preaching” a systems approach to no-till, including crop rotation.
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Maximize Your Phosphorus Placement

Input costs for fertilizer, an absolute necessity, can be staggering. Here’s how to ensure you get the biggest bang for your phosphorus buck.
Fertilizer placement draws a lot of opinions about everything from when to apply to the depth of application. The many, sometimes conflicting opinions can be confusing about which to follow.
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"Sticker Shock" Is Much Less Of A Concern For Neighbors

When it comes to holding costs in line, you’ve already got an edge on neighbors who use excessive tillage.
You've probably already faced sticker shock concerns when you projected what will definitely be considerably higher crop production costs this year. Fuel, fertilizer, chemicals, seed, seed traits and machinery will all cost more in 2005 due to higher energy and steel prices, reduced manufacturing plant capacities and other factors.
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Eight Steps To Better No-Tilling

How will your planter perform in no till? Today’s stronger, heavier equipment is designed to cut and handle residue, penetrate soil to your desired seeding depth, get proper seed-to-soil contact and close the seed-vee.
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