Articles Tagged with ''Indiana''

Management That Makes Nitrogen More Efficient

Planter setup modifications and cover crops are helping an Indiana no-tiller improve his fertilizer efficiency while maintaining high corn yields.
Like many no-tillers, Mike Starkey got his start with soybeans. But after struggling to make no-till corn work, he practiced rotational tillage for more than a decade.
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Despite The Known Benefits, Use Of Cover Crops Still Lags

Agronomists say more concrete information about costs and implementation must be provided before no-tillers widely adopt cover crops.
No-tillers are keenly aware of the benefits that cover crops can provide to their soil, yet a recent survey funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture indicates that cover crop usage lags.
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No-Till Advocate Gets Around And Keeps His Eye On Cover Crops

Indiana official shares his experiences and views on the benefits of cover crops for no-till fields.
"I get to see a lot of what some of the best farmers in the state and the country are doing. I find that most no-tillers, especially the ones committed to long-term no-tilling, are really chasing this thing called soil quality. That's what ultimately gives them an economic boost." --Barry Fisher
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What No-Tillers Are Doing Differently This Fall

Faced with higher costs, less moisture and changing cropping opportunities, No-Till Farmer readers are not sitting still, and they’re making significant cropping changes this fall.
When we asked No-Till Farmer readers to describe the critical changes they’re making this fall, we received a wide variety of ideas. Faced with needing to make changes based on rising expenses, environmental concerns and weather worries, these innovative no-tillers are adopting a number of different ideas to boost yields, trim costs and improve profitability.
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High Performance Needed With No-Till Corn

There’s a growing need to switch to a corn herbicide that will burn weeds down and provide season-long residual control.
While some growers see no-till as an important soil conservation measure, others see it as a way to reduce costs and boost their bottom lines. In fact, a number of farmers are switching to no-till in 2006 due to record-high fuel prices.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

A Practical Approach To No-Tilling Helps Lead Newcomers To Benefits

NRCS representative takes a realistic approach to winning converts and proving the long-term advantages of moving away from conventional tillage.
With the recent focus on the benefits of cover crops, it is ironic that research plots evaluating corn planted into hairy vetch sparked my initial interest in no-till. Those first impressions were made when I was a student at Western Kentucky University nearly 25 years ago.
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Tough No-Till Competition

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, we taught Brazilian farmers how to no-till successfully. Now, they’re kicking our butts in the worldwide export market due to lower cropping costs and a tremendous boost in no-tilled acres.
When several University of Kentucky agronomists and others headed to South America 35 years ago to show farmers there how to no-till, little did they realize that demonstrating this new technology would eventually turn Brazil into a major player in the world food market and a serious competitor for our grain exports. It’s not likely that they foresaw the eventual impact this would have on prices being paid to American farmers today.
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What Should You Charge The Neighbors?

Facing higher input costs, more farmers than ever are taking a closer look at no-till. While there may be numerous opportunities for you to no-till more acres in your area while adding dollars to your checkbook, there’s no easy answer as to what you should charge for no-tilling, spraying or other work done in a neighbor’s fields.
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Proof Is In The Profits

Indiana farmer knows exactly how much extra money no-tilling puts in his pocket compared to conventional tillage.

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