Articles Tagged with ''variety''

Resources For Selecting SCN-Resistant Varieties

Soybean producers should utilize several sources of information when selecting soybean cyst nematode (SCN)-resistant varieties. The article What To Consider When Selecting SCN-Resistant Varieties shares the four characteristics producers should keep in mind when choosing varieties with SCN resistance.
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25 Years Of Unlocking Secrets To No-Till Success

Since 1988, the Graves-Chapple Research Center has been helping no-tillers in northwestern Missouri fine-tune their corn-and soybean system management and farm their no-tilled acres more sustainably.
Finding answers for farmers is the mission of all university research farms, but the Graves-Chapple Research Center in northwest Missouri zeroes in on the questions from a solidly no-till perspective.
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Unraveling The Mystery Of Cover-Crop Seed Quality

No-tillers must sort through the sales hype and learn more about their seed sources to find economical, effective species and varieties that will accomplish their cover-crop goals.
As more and more no-tillers embrace cover crops, the production of the seed itself has become a rapidly growing industry in which marketing can sometimes outpace performance.
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Should No-Tillers Apply Fungicides Every Year?

University experts, experienced no-tillers weigh in on profitable fungicide management strategies for corn and soybeans.
Record-high 2008 corn and soybean prices arguably meant that a fungicide application — or any other input that nudged up yields — paid for itself and then some. But whether fungicides continue to be a tool that can be used profitably on a yearly basis as commodity prices settle is up for debate.
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Research Offers No Surprises — No-Till Works For Soybeans

In many areas, no-tilling outperforms more intensive tillage for soybeans even before the savings in time, labor and fuel are considered.
Although more than 40 percent of soybean acreage in the United States is now no-tilled, debate still centers on whether no-tilling or conventional tillage produce the best soybean yields. Extensive data crunching is swaying the debate toward no-till.
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