Articles Tagged with ''ryegrass''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cover Crops Offer Big Yield Boosts If Done Correrctly

No-tillers can find success by committing to, selecting and buying their seed early, planting early and controlling the cover crop early and thoroughly the following spring.
It’s hard to remember when we didn’t do some type of no-tilling or reduced-tillage on our southeastern Illinois farm. We really got into high gear around the mid-1980s. Some of our first results were with corn planted into wheat stubble or a red clover cover crop. We took advantage of the PIK (Payment in Kind) federal farm program during those years to make a serious commitment to long-term no-tilling.
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Check The Winners!

A number of National No-Tillage Conference attendees took home more than just new no-tilling ideas.
Besides taking home plenty of new ideas from the 4-day, in-depth program and networking with fellow attendees in St. Louis, Mo., 19 farmers went home with extremely valuable products free from the 14th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Continuous No-Till Really Does Pay

While 23 percent of the country’s total cropland is now being no-tilled, less than 12 percent has been continuously no-tilled for more than 5 years.
If I had to pick out one consistent thing about no-tilling that I have observed over and over, it is that most no-till benefits come with continuous no-till — season to season and crop to crop. That’s the message I delivered last winter to attendees at the 2005 National No-Tillage Conference just a few days after I retired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. And it’s the message I would like to expand upon as a private consultant: It’s time for the no-till community to aim higher.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

With 70 Sweet Corn Varieties, Timely Planting Is Critical

Paying attention to detail is necessary when strip-tilling and no-tilling a crop that costs as as much as $1,500 per acre to produce.
When we're asked if we “created” our name as a marketing strategy, we are quick to point out we’re the fourth generation of Sweets to grow sweet corn in northeastern Ohio. My great-grandfather Dermott Sweet started the operation in 1880, and for more than a century we were primarily a wholesale company.
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Annual Ryegrass Cover Crop Reaches Depths To Aid Yields

Advocates point to extraordinary root development that improves soil structure while helping crops reach water and nutrients several feet below the surface.
Annual ryegrass works hard as a cover crop. It sends roots down as far as 6 feet in no-till fields, breaking through compaction layers to reach deep water and nutrients, and it leaves improved soil structure and higher organic content in its path, according to Mike Plumer.
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