Articles Tagged with ''glyphosate''

More Chemical Options Available For No-Till Corn

Manufacturers continue to evolve and expand their product offerings to control weeds and diseases, and suggest steps to avoid glyphosate resistance.
No-tillers can choose from a number of corn herbicides and fungicides that have become available since the last growing season. The new products for this year, listed by manufacturer, include:<
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Spraying Late Is Costly

You’ll sometimes have less than a day to make a timely herbicide application — at a time when it may interfere with other essential no-till work.
When it comes to effective weed control, timing is always critical. But it is particularly important when you are using a total post program since dead weeds with late spraying can still trim your yields.
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Why Dandelions Are Costing No-Tillers Big Bucks

Ohio State University weed scientists share the latest ideas on why dandelions are becoming a bigger threat to no-tilled crops.
When it comes to weed control, more no-tillers each year are having problems dealing with dandelions. Ohio State University weed scientists Anthony Dobbels, Mark Loux and Jeff Stachler say that dandelions have become much more widespread in Ohio crop production fields over the past 5 years.
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Frank Comments

Does Mixing Order Matter?

An item in the October, 2003, issue on the proper order of tankmixing glyphosate products led to a comment from a No-Till Farmer reader in North Dakota. He informed us that research conducted at North Dakota State indicates that the efficacy of Roundup herbicide is not affected by the order in which it is mixed with water and ammonium sulfate (AMS).
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