Articles Tagged with ''organic matter''

Fanks Comments

No-Till Tips From Corn Champ

While Francis Childs certainly doesn’t no-till, the Manchester, Iowa, farmer uses a number of ideas some ideas that you could use in your own no-tilling operation. Using a mini moldboard plow that works the soil up to 14 inches deep yet still leaves up to 40 percent soil cover from his extremely heavy continuous corn plant residue, he harvested an amazing 442.1 bushels of corn per acre last fall. For the sixth straight year, he took top honors in the 2002 National Corn Growers Association National Corn Yield Contest.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Do More With Less!

With direct seeding, three men handle 4,000 acres.
When I was a kid, I knew it was spring when the mud roared off our highly erodible hills, across the roads and flowed through our farm yard.
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Frank Comments

No-Till Management Matters

When it comes to recognizing the biggest breakthroughs in no-till, Keith Kemp says it has been an increase in soil organic matter, new hybrids and varieties, improved herbicides, decreased production costs and the use of several valuable seeding accessories.
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Tackling Tricky Soils

Understanding how soils work isn't an easy task. Here's the nitty gritty.
As no-tillers, you don’t need anyone to tell you that no-tilling is the best thing you can do to ensure your soils are protected and are helping the environment.
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Incredible No-Till Time, Money Savers

This no-tiller’s incredibly efficient operation saves time, money, labor—and sparked the curiosity of President Clinton.
Finding time and money savers is always a top priority for no-tillers. It’s actually two of the reasons why most farmers switch to no-till in the first place. At least it was for Les Auer of Broadview, Mont.
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Keys To Healthy No-Till Soils

Increasing organic matter and proper timing of nitrogen application are key to maintaining healthy soils.
When our forefathers first sailed to this country and started working American soil for food, they had no idea that their methods were actually hurting the productivity of the soil. After all, the vast prairies of this continent had millions of years to build up proper carbon, nitrogen and potassium levels. If tilling the soil was actually draining those nutrients and hurting its productivity, it certainly wasn’t apparent to early settlers.
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Reap Bigger Soil Bonuses With No-Till

No-tilling over the long term in your operation will help you keep more soil in your fields and earn you much higher yields and net profits.
If you've only just begun to no-till, are discouraged by the results and are flirting with the idea of switching back to conventional tilling, you might want to consider a couple of factors before you make a rash decision.
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