Articles Tagged with ''John Deere''


Base Your No-Till Strategies On Technology, Patience

If you can envision a giant “Do Not Disturb” sign stretching over nearly 10,000 acres of northeastern South Dakota farmland, you’ll begin to understand the no-till philosophy of Cal and Erik Hayenga.
When Erik Hayenga's grandfather (Cal’s father) quit raising corn in the mid-’60s because it wasn’t profitable, 40 bushels was a lot more common than 50 bushels per acre and that’s about as high as it went.
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Part One Of A Series...

No-Till Boosts Yields While Saving Time

Being innovators and pulling together a total cropping package has paid big dividends for these highly successful no-tillers.
THE Baruth brothers — Ron, Larry and Tom — continue to raise wheat, but pretty much look at cereal crops as an integral part of their 150-bushel corn and 40-bushel per acre soybean no-till cropping formula.
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Rockin’ With No-Till

Where corn is no-tilled today, there were 23,110 Union and Confederate casualties on the bloodiest day of the Civil War.
When thousands of troops walked around the huge rocks and out of the corn fields on the morning of Sept. 17, 1862, in the bloody Battle of Antietam, little did they know that 19,510 soldiers would be wounded and 3,600 killed on this single, gruesome day. The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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No-Till Online

Modifying No-Till Equipment

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Many topics addressed this past month on the No-Till Farmer Farmer's Forum were regarding various no-till equipment modifications. Here's what you missed:
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Seed Right!

All seeding rigs have their pros and cons, but here's a special design that's darn near perfect.
I don't care who you are or where you live, seeding crops into your no-till fields is never a vacation. There’s always things that break down, conditions that are less than favorable or just not enough time in the day.
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6 Money-Making Changes For 750 No-Till Drills

Modifying a highly popular no-till drill enabled this eastern Washington farming operation to switch to continuous cropping and forget about summer fallow.
Even though the majority of John Deere 750 no-till drills are used to seed soybeans and small grains in the Midwest, that certainly doesn’t mean modifications made for efficient seeding in the Pacific Northwest won’t prove valuable in other areas.
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