Gerard Grubb admits that one of the reasons he became interested in no-till was because he simply didn’t want to plow. “I’m a lazy man farmer,” he says. “I can’t stand plowing.”
Two decades of reduced tillage have helped the Rotenberger family improve soil health and address some daunting residue challenges posed by their cropping rotations.
Two decades of reduced tillage have helped the Rotenberger family improve soil health and address some daunting residue challenges posed by their cropping rotations.
Jerry Morical is showing no-till practices can work in a frigid region of the U.S. as he interseeds cover crops into corn and reaps the benefits of mellower soils.
For decades, Jerry Morical has made a living raising crops in the hilly, sandy loam soils near Garfield in western Minnesota. But his small farm also lies within a recreational haven, surrounded by the Chippewa River watershed and dozens of small lakes.
Allen Below’s 7,000-acre farm in southeastern Missouri is undergoing a rapid transformation with the help of no-till practices, aggressive cover crop adoption and elimination of tillage.
For the last few years, Allen Below has been working on a learning curve, but he’s moving toward a day where he’s reduced or eliminated irrigation, restored his farm’s soils and is enjoying a better balance sheet.
Ron Neises and his son, Ethan, discuss why they switched to no-till practices in 1996 on their 2,600-acre operation near Belle Plaine, Kan., and the different components they’ve added to their John Deere 7200 planter that include Dawn row cleaners and Dawn Curvetine closing wheels.
The journey Johnny Hunter is taking isn’t for the faint of heart. It started during the summer of 2012, when a historic drought blasted the Missouri Bootheel and much of the U.S.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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