Articles Tagged with ''time''

Is There Hope For Biotech Wheat?

Advocates believe lower production costs and higher yields could come from biotech and would reverse the trend of declining wheat acres.
As plantings of genetically modified (GM) crops continue to climb by millions of acres per year, one crop stands out for its absence from the list. Wheat growers, including no-tillers, are still waiting for the benefits of biotechnology, and the wait is likely to be a long one.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Management Duties And Profits Both Rise In Move To No-Tilling

Switching to no-till doesn’t necessarily mean more free time, but you will trade iron and tractor time for a thinking cap and a fatter wallet.
When people ask me for a quick answer to justify shifting to no-tillage, the best one I can come up with is this: Yield is not measured in bushels or tons per acre. Yield is measured in net dollars per acre. No-tilling equals more dollars in the bank.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Finding No-Till’s Weakest Link Is Essential

Having just one problem in a no-till system is enough to cause serious problems and it can happen at any time — even after 20 years of no-tilling.
When you think about being directly involved with saving a natural resource as significant as the Chesapeake Bay, it’s hard not to get excited. That noble thought might be enough reason all by itself to really hard sell continuous no-till systems, including cover crops and rotations. And when you can see clearly that no-till makes farming more profitable — in addition to the big-picture environmental equation — you can start to sense that we’re onto something, as they say, that’s really big.
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Strip-Till Right The First Time

But first learn what will work and won’t work under your farming conditions.
When it comes to strip-tilling effectively, Tony and Doug Anderson benefit from both farming and equipment dealer experience. Besides farming 2,500 acres, the brothers own Anderson Equipment, a shortline dealership selling planting and tillage equipment at Washington Court House, Ohio.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Continuous No-Till Really Does Pay

While 23 percent of the country’s total cropland is now being no-tilled, less than 12 percent has been continuously no-tilled for more than 5 years.
If I had to pick out one consistent thing about no-tilling that I have observed over and over, it is that most no-till benefits come with continuous no-till — season to season and crop to crop. That’s the message I delivered last winter to attendees at the 2005 National No-Tillage Conference just a few days after I retired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. And it’s the message I would like to expand upon as a private consultant: It’s time for the no-till community to aim higher.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

With 70 Sweet Corn Varieties, Timely Planting Is Critical

Paying attention to detail is necessary when strip-tilling and no-tilling a crop that costs as as much as $1,500 per acre to produce.
When we're asked if we “created” our name as a marketing strategy, we are quick to point out we’re the fourth generation of Sweets to grow sweet corn in northeastern Ohio. My great-grandfather Dermott Sweet started the operation in 1880, and for more than a century we were primarily a wholesale company.
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Stacking The No-Till Rotation Deck

Rotating crops can benefit your operation, but going against instinct can pay off in a big way. How? Stack ’em.
Dwayne Beck is known for a lot of things, perhaps crop rotations most of all. This Pierre, S.D., no-tiller manages the Dakota Lakes Research Farm at Pierre, S.D., and dedicates a lot of his time to studying the improvement of no-till operations with the help of crop rotations.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

They Went Cold Turkey With No-Till

New no-tillers can count on making fewer trips across the field and spending less for less labor and fuel, but you’ll be devoting more time to management.
In the Mid-1980s, we switched from moldboard plowing to a conservation farming system of chisel plowing, discing and planting. It was the recommended soil saving system of the time, but we seemed to be stuck in place.
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