Articles Tagged with ''planting''

No-Till Notes

No-Till Notes: On-Farm Research Aided By Precision Tools

Replication, randomization of plots with today’s technology can help you learn a great deal about your farm more easily than ever
Guidance systems and control monitors really make on-farm research easier. In the past, it was hard to set up replicated plots, and time consuming to record and weigh the results. Today, yield monitors, guidance systems and rate controllers really make research much easier.
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Aiming For Planting Perfection In Varying Soil Types

Maintaining openers in tip-top shape, a deeper planting depth and seed meters help Kansas no-tillers achieve even emergence of corn.
When Bryan Poppelreiter pulls his no-till planter into the field, he understands that absolute planting perfection probably isn’t going to happen. But that doesn’t mean he won’t shoot for a picket-fence stand that pops out of the soil evenly up and down, as well as side to side.
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Settling On Spring Strip-Till

Iowa corn grower Jeff Reints has used full tillage, no-till, zone-tillage and fall strip-till, but he has settled on strips for raising corn.
Iowa corn grower Jeff Reints has used full tillage, no-till, zone-tillage and fall strip-till, but he has settled on spring strips for raising corn.
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Uniform No-Till Corn Emergence Takes A 365 Day Commitment

Your goal from harvest-time to the day you no-till the next crop is to create an environment where the entire crop can emerge at one time.
Planting depth is no place to get creative if you want to achieve uniform stands and optimize no-till corn yields. Paul Jasa, University of Nebraska Extension ag engineer, believes uniformity should be every grower’s goal.
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Fall Sprays Can Prevent A Weedy Mess

Starting the spring weed-free can relieve the workload pressure in a wet year.
Marestail rising 2-feet tall, thriving patches of lambsquarters and robust pigweed are becoming a greater threat to no-till yields. A fall-applied pre-plant herbicide may be just the thing to help no-tillers start spring with a clean field.
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