Articles Tagged with ''planting''

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Trading No-Till Ideas

Besides no-tilling 2,500 acres, David and Donald Sutherland custom plant 2,500 acres each year. As a result, the Leroy, Kan., father-and-son team several years ago needed a bigger no-till planter.
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Coated Seed Corn Finding Its Place As No-Tillers Benefit

Those monitoring their investment in the technology say the returns are proving to be worthwhile; more availability could be on the way.
After more than a decade of testing and four full seasons of commercial sales, Intellicoat Early Plant hybrids show increasing acceptance among no-tillers coping with cold, wet spring soils, reports Landec Ag, developer of the polymer seed-coating product.
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Dare to Compare

This farmer matches his conversation system to varying soil types
Tim Manchester was nonchalantly looking over yield maps when the clusters of dots representing yields glowed as brightly as a K-Mart blue light special.
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28 Critical Points To Consider Before No-Tilling Continuous Corn

Mindful of an emerging trend, an agricultural engineer offers guidelines to thoughtful decision-making for no-tillers thinking about leaping into monoculture corn.
Before Paul Jasa will even discuss no-till continuous corn, he issues a strong warning about monoculture farming. The highly respected University of Nebraska extension agricultural engineer has worked for more than 30 years “preaching” a systems approach to no-till, including crop rotation.
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Staying A Step Ahead

A stable of late-model, essential equipment and innovative weed control takes Ellis McFadden’s no-till success in new directions.
When we wrote about Ellis McFadden’s no-till operation near Fort Wayne, Ind., in November 2003, he noted two important keys to success. First, keep only equipment that is absolutely necessary, but make sure it’s all new or nearly new. Second, don’t be shy about trying new methods that help you farm smarter.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

From Rough Start To Smooth Ride, We Keep Looking

An open mind about management practices and equipment is a key tool in taking no-till fields to their full potential.
We started no-tilling in the mid-1980s with the wrong attitude, the wrong tools and not enough knowledge to make it work. It fell flat on its face. Yet, here we are in 2006, confidently no-tilling 1,300 acres.
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Put Precision Ag Data To Work

If piles of reports and data from your no-till fields are sitting useless, a consultant could help you turn them into wiser management practices.
Does precision farming, with page after page of information generated by automated devices, really make your no-till fields more productive? Or are you about ready to unplug it all in frustration?
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Plenty Of Hot Topics To Pick From As St. Louis Becomes Center Of No-Till World

National No-Tillage Conference provides answers to the most pressing challenges facing growers in the coming season and beyond.
The biggest crowd in years, more than 700 people, attended the 14th annual National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis and went home with plenty to think about and put to use on their farms.
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Corn Seed Options Boom for No-Till

It’s no longer a guessing game, but rather a matter of sorting through all the information to find seed that fits your no-till field conditions and practices.
There have never been more corn hybrid selections and protections on the market to help meet the needs of no-tillers. We’ve moved a long way from the hybrid guessing game no-tillers were in just a few short years ago.
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