Continuous no-till can go a long way toward keeping soil where it’s supposed to be, but a monster rainstorm falling on soybean residue can still result in ephemeral gullies.
While not a replacement for well-managed soil fertility programs, foliar fertilizers — piggybacked with pesticide treatments — are helping no-tillers achieve greater yields
No-tillers find that foliar applications can help fine-tune fertility programs and boost yields. While not a replacement for a solid soil-based fertility program, foliar-feeding strategies aim to maximize productivity in well-managed crops.
Before long, no-tillers throughout the Midwest will have a new way to get data on cover crops they might include in their rotations. The Midwest Cover Crops Council has unveiled its “Cover Crop Decision Tool” that provides growers with fact-based recommendations for covers.
Cover crops are the turbocharger of a no-till operation, but scientists and growers alike are still researching and fine-tuning how covers fit into crop rotations.
Other crops make more money than wheat for Palco, Kan., no-tiller Mike McClellan, but its residue increases the yields and profitability of the other crops in the 5-year rotation.
Brazilian soil scientist touts the benefits of continuous no-till, diverse cropping rotations and cover crops to sequester carbon and improve soil and yields
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Brownsburg Ind. no-tiller Mike Starkey shares his initial reactions to the agricultural funding cuts and federal freezing that the U.S. Government has executed on. While he expresses a general nervousness from his local farming community, Starkey says, “We’re going to somehow overcome if there's any issues with [funding] regardless, because I'm going to continue what I'm doing."
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