I’m the third generation of the Hoff family to operate our farm near Boonville, Mo. Following an early example set by my dad, John Hoff, who first no-tilled in the early 1970s, I’ve spent the past several years fine-tuning our no-till program.
Twenty-three years after his father suggested they no-till, Wisconsin farmer Dan Stokes no-tills corn as early as possible, grows diverse rotations, custom no-tills and milks cows, too.
Twenty-five years ago, my father, Loren Stokes, and I milked and fed a 100-cow dairy herd and were also tilling about 300 acres of farmland. Needless to say, we were busy daylight to dark. We both decided we were working too hard.
It might be more correct to call this article, “What I’m Still Learning From No-Tilling.” Over nearly 30 years, my farming operation has shifted from customary fall-spring tillage, through a period of detailed research and onfarm studies and finally, 11 years ago, to adoption of continuous no-till.
Nebraska no-tiller John Niemeyer says modifying his fertilizer delivery system, improving pH and using compost manure has transformed no-till corn into his most profitable crop
One of my first jobs out of college after I received a degree in business from the University of North Dakota was a fortunate choice. During the several years I worked for a professional consulting agronomist, I had the opportunity to see a lot of different crop-production systems throughout eastern Nebraska, western Iowa and northeastern Kansas.
More than 20 years learning, adapting equipment and expanding crop rotations to include small grains and cover crops are a winning formula for Wisconsin no-tiller
With the dire economics agriculture faced in the early 1980s, there was no opportunity for me to join our Wisconsin family farm operation. But farming was my first love and you might say, I was blessed.
The steady growth of no-till farming in the Chesapeake Bay areas of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia has become a classic example of putting conservation farming methods to work to help save a major natural resource.
Long-time no-tiller Doug Harford was among the earliest pioneering conservation farmers to break ground on drainage, yield mapping, grid soil sampling and strip-till
Back in 1973, I never thought I would be a lifetime farmer. But when Dad decided to retire, corn was $4 a bushel and nitrogen was just 3 cents per pound. The future looked bright for agriculture. Most times, it still does.
I was pleased when the Illinois Department of Agriculture reported in late 2006 that no-till acres in the state had, for the first time, exceeded the number of conventionally tilled acres.
By listening to and learning from other no-tillers, Warren Macemon built a successful no-till farming and purebred Angus operation after a long career teaching others.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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